Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Of Pens and Swords Book Review

Of Pens and Swords

By Rena Rocford


Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Cyra Berque wants two things in life: a date with Rochan and a chance to fence at the Olympics. But people with one hand don’t normally fence, and girls with big thighs don’t get the boy. Knowing that she wants to make the Olympics, Cyra’s coach sets her up with another coach, one who could take her all the way to the top, but the new coach costs more. Feeling her dreams slipping out of reach, Cyra agrees to tutor a ballerina with a rich father and a D minus in English. It’s triple the pay and triple the pain. The ballerina isn’t interested in passing classes―she wants Rochan, and she’s promised she’ll turn her D minus into a full-fledged F if Cyra doesn’t help her win the heart of Rochan. (Goodreads Summary)

My ReviewI went into this book not knowing anything beyond the brief synopsis, and I came out of it in a combined mess of tears of joy and sadness. I didn't believe prior to reading this that any other author besides John Green could make me feel these things. Rena Rocford is a true genius, and I thank her for writing this book which I am now going to annoy all of my friends with by telling them to read every second of ever day.
            One thing Rocford does extraordinarily well in her writing is character development. She gives each character their own individual voice and personality, and allows the reader to truly feel like they are connecting with them. A character I surprisingly found that I was able to connect with was Crya. After reading the synopsis I didn't think that I could find a way to connect with a one-handed fencer, but Cyra is much more than that. She is a smart girl, a feminist (there's this amazing scene where they are discussing sexism in Hamlet in english class), a bookworm (she makes several references to Harry Potter), Captain Hook obsessed, and she puts all her effort towards achieving her dreams. I started out hating Christina in the beginning; I thought that she was going to be the cliche bratty girl turned nice, and that it was going to be something I'd already read a thousand times before. I can tell you, it was not. Now, Rochan is the only character I have slight issues with. I can't say much about my issues with him without spoiling the ending, but I can say that I believe he comes to terms with something a little quicker than I would've expected. All in all, 
            The overall plot of the story was ingenious to me; a new take on an old story. For some reason it reminded me of the movie John Tucker Must Die. Not in the whole revenge way, but the whole girls banding together to get a guy to like a girl way. Sounds confusing when I write it out, but it make perfect sense in my head. I promise. I can't say much else without spilling the beans, but there is one thing that happens towards then end of the book that caught me completely off guard. I was completely unprepared, my walls were down, and Rena Rocford made me sob like a four year old who lost their favorite toy. Right before I read this part I decided that I was to go to bed at the end of the chapter, but that never happened. It made me want to stay through till the bitter end, and I ended up finishing it in one session.
              Also, do you see how beautiful this cover is??? I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover but, the cover was honestly what made me click on the book on Netgalley in the first place. I love the use of bright colors, the ballet costume that is merged with the feather quill, and the letter in the background. All these things corresponding to stuff in the story which made it fun and interesting to look back on once I'd finished. I read this book on my kindle, and I need to get my hands on a physical copy to add to my collection IMMEDIATELY.
I give Of Pens and Swords 5 stars because is a beautifully written book filled with wonderfully written, loveable characters and an enticing story filled with many twists and turns. I am so glad to have recieved a copy from the publisher, Curiosity Quills Press, off of Netgalley to review, because I don't know if I would've picked it up if I hadn't, and I am incredibly happy that I read it. I suggest you pick it up if you're looking for a nice, realistic fiction read that'll make you laugh and cry both happy and sad tears.

If you would like to purchase Of Pens and Swords
Author and Publisher Links

Sunday, March 27, 2016

My Other Social Media

Hey guys! Even though I love Blogger, it's not my only form of social media.
Instagram (Personal): https://www.instagram.com/cg_marinelli/
Instagram (Bookish): https://www.instagram.com/vibrantreads/
Tumblr: http://the-girl-who-read-too-much.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VibrantReads
I just think it would be cool to connect on other platforms, and I follow back on all of the. I can't wait to get to know y'all better!

Lady Midnight Book Review

Lady Midnight

By Cassandra Clare

DISCLAIMER: I'm not going to spoil any major plot points of Lady Midnight, but I am going to mention some minor things. You have been warned.

Synopsis: It’s been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of oblivion. Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a young woman bent on discovering what killed her parents and avenging her losses.

            Together with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches across Los Angeles, from the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn’t lead her in treacherous directions…

            Making things even more complicated, Julian’s brother Mark—who was captured by the faeries five years ago—has been returned as a bargaining chip. The faeries are desperate to find out who is murdering their kind—and they need the Shadowhunters’ help to do it. But time works differently in faerie, so Mark has barely aged and doesn’t recognize his family. Can he ever truly return to them? Will the faeries really allow it?

            Glitz, glamours, and Shadowhunters abound in this heartrending opening to Cassandra Clare’s Dark Artifices series. (Goodreads Summary)

My Review My initial reaction to finishing Lady Midnight: Why Cassandra! WHYYYYY!!! Why do you feel the need to build me up, fill my heart with joy, and the just RIP IT OUT AND SHRED IT INTO A MILLION PIECES! 
            Now that that's over with, we can get into the actual review. Being Cassandra Clare trash, I was going into Lady Midnight with high  expectations, and I was not disappointed. One thing that I especially loved about the book overall was that there was no world building required due to it taking place just a short while after City of Heavenly Fire. That is great if you'd read the previous books (no need to read annoying world building when you already know all there is to know about the world), but that also means that this isn't a book that just anyone can pick up off the shelf. You have to be familiar with the shadowhunter world or else you are going to be extremely confused as it drops you right in to the middle of the action. Another overall thing I loved about Lady Midnight was even though it was another shadowhunter book, it wasn't just ANOTHER shadowhunter book. It had its own plot, characters, and locations that were unique and all their own.
          The premise of the book is interesting in itself, but, at least for me, what made the book was the characters. Clare makes you fall in love with the entire Blackthorn clan (including the extended family): Emma, Julian, Mark, Christina, Ty (Oh my god...ESPECIALLY TY), Livy, Tavvy, Dru, and Malcolm. I found myself relating to several of the characters because instead of just focusing in on one or two specific characters, Cassandra went above and beyond, giving you an inside look on everyone. The only character I felt that we weren't told a lot about was Diana, and I hope that we get to understand her more in the next book. I especially love when Emma takes Christina on a tour of the Blackthorn bedrooms which gives you a look from the outside in on each of the Blackthorn children. I also really like how Cassandra incorporates characters that are not only straight, but also gay and bisexual along with characters that posses mental illnesses, because we need to see more of those characters in Young Adult novels. 
          I know this topic I'm going to talk about really should go under the characters paragraph, but I believe it truly deserves a paragraph of its own: Emma and Julian's forbidden romance. OH MY GODDDDD! WHYYYYY CASSANDRA! WHY!!!! This beats Clace, this beats Sizzy, this beats both Jessa and Wessa, this almost beats Malec (almost. I said almost. Nothing can truly beat Malec. Ever). Even from the beginning you can tell both characters feel something beyond friendship for each other and are trying to suppress their emotions, and (if you're trash like me) you can't help but ship their forbidden love and squeal every time something happens, and let me tell you, SHIT GOES DOWN. I can't wait to see what happens between them in the future.
            Perhaps an unpopular opinion: I love the villain of this book. Now, I can't say much without spilling major points of this book, but there are a few things I can say. I love the reason why they are doing what they are doing; I think that are.....amazing; I love that they were not who I expected. Yeah, that's all I can say without ruining anything. I can't really say a lot about the plot besides the fact that they are looking for the people who killed Emma's parents, who are actually involved in a scheme of things that are killing more people, without spoiling anything.
            Another thing I can't talk about without spilling  is the ending, but BY THE ANGEL I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THE ENDING....AND THE FINAL LINE....TAKE ME NOW CASSANDRA! TAKE ME NOW! (If you've read it and you want to talk about just leave a comment, send me an email, or contact me on tumblr because.....I NEED TO LET THESE FEELINGS OUT!)
            I give Lady Midnight 5 stars (I would give it more if I could) because of the characters, the amazing story line, and the fact that I am, and forever will be, Cassandra Clare trash.

If you would like to purchase Lady Midnight

Friday, March 11, 2016

Lady Midnight Update

Hey guys, I just finished Lady Midnight so expect a review to be out for it in a few days. I also just started spring break so I'll have a lot more to time read and post reviews.